The Lavender Orpington Chicken is a striking and unique chicken of medium size. It is a very popular dual-purpose bird, meaning it can be used both for egg production and meat. Its beautiful lavender color and docile temperament make it a popular choice for both commercial and backyard chicken farmers.
The Lavender Orpington Chicken was developed in the 19th century in Kent, England by the Orpington family. It was created by crossing Minorca, Black Malay, and Plymouth Rock breeds. Lavender Orpington Chickens have a distinct look, with a large and broad body, broad breast, and a soft, downy plumage. Their legs are also feathered.
The lavender color of a Lavender Orpington Chicken is due to a complex genetic pattern called “lavender dilution”. This dilution is a recessive trait, meaning that for the chicken to be lavender, both parents must carry the gene. The color of a Lavender Orpington Chicken ranges from pale lilac to darkest purple.
Lavender Orpington Chickens are known for their gentle and docile temperament. They are quiet and do not mind being handled by humans. They are excellent foragers and are known for their hardiness and tolerance of cold weather. They are a good choice for those who are looking for a calm and low-maintenance bird.
Lavender Orpington Chickens are excellent egg producers and can produce around 150 to 200 eggs per year. Their eggs are medium to large sized and have a light brown color. They have been bred over the years to be a dual-purpose bird, meaning they are also suitable for meat production.
The Lavender Orpington Chicken is a great choice for anyone looking for a beautiful, docile and hardy bird. It’s beautiful color and friendly disposition make it a popular choice for anyone looking for a great backyard chicken. Its hardiness, egg production and meat production make it an excellent choice for both commercial and backyard farmers.