The Bisaro pig is a large white or pink pig native to Portugal. Its size, colour, and rustic characteristics, make the Bisaro pig one of the most popular breeds of pigs in Portugal.

The Bisaro pig is a medium-sized pig, growing to a length of between 137-148 cm (54-58 inches) and a weight of 200-450kg (441-992lbs). The Bisaro pig has a white or pinkish colour, depending on the sub-breed. It has a long snout, pendulous ears, and slender legs. Bisaro pigs have an elongated and sculpted torso that tapers into an arched back and a wide rear end.

The Bisaro pig is a highly intelligent and active breed. They are very friendly and enjoy interacting with humans, but are also independent and capable of making their own decisions. Their inquisitive nature and sense of exploration can sometimes lead to mischief and trouble. They are hardy and can survive in the harshest of climates.

The Bisaro pig is raised mainly for its meat and lard. Bisaro bacon is highly sought after and considered a delicacy in Portugal and other parts of Europe. The pigs are also bred for their hide and bristles, which are used to make brushes, carpets, and other items.

In Portugal, the Bisaro pig is bred by local farmers as a free-range animal. The pigs are often found in large herds, grazing on a variety of plant material. In addition to grazing, Bisaro pigs are also fed grains and other supplements to ensure a balanced diet.

Overall, the Bisaro pig is a hardy and independent breed that is well suited for raising in a free-range environment. They are docile and friendly, which makes them popular pets. They are also highly intelligent, making them easy to train for show exhibitions. The Bisaro pig is a versatile animal, making it a valuable meat producer and an excellent addition to any farmer’s livestock.