The Kele pig breed, also known as the “Dwarf Landrace” or “Kele-Kun,” is a small, rare breed of pigs found in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. It is estimated that only a few thousand Kele pigs exist in the world today.
The Kele pig is an extremely small breed, only reaching heights of 40-50 cm and weighing around 15-20 kg. It has a unique body shape, featuring a short, broad head, broad shoulders, and stocky stature. Its coat is usually a reddish-brown or black in color, and is usually kept short due to the hot climate in which it lives.
The Kele pig is an extremely hardy breed, able to survive in relatively harsh conditions, with little need for special care or feeding. It is considered a great “forager” pig, and is able to find food in even the toughest conditions. They are also known to be quite docile and friendly animals, with minimal aggression.
The Kele pig is capable of producing high-quality pork meat, as well as providing an excellent source of lard for cooking. The breed is considered to be a great producer of offal, and is very popular among local chefs and restaurants. Additionally, the breed is also known to be a great source of manure, used both as fertilizer and in herbal medicines.
Unlike most pig breeds, the Kele pig is not well adapted to industrial production farming. As such, it is found primarily in small, rural villages in Cambodia and Southeast Asia, where it is kept primarily for personal consumption and/or sale. Any efforts to commercially farm the Kele pig have, so far, been unsuccessful.
Despite its small stature, the Kele pig is an incredibly resilient breed, able to survive in some of the toughest lands in the world. It is considered to be an important part of local culture in Cambodia and Southeast Asia, and is very much beloved by both locals and foreigners. Hopefully, with time, the Kele pig will become more recognized and protected.
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