Our Story
Greeting and thanks for visiting our site and your interest in our story. My name is Jeff, I live in New Hampshire with my lovely wife and kids. If I were to describe my priorities in life with three words, I would say, “Faith, Family and Community.” My faith in the Lord guides and motivates me to work tirelessly to be the best possible husband and father I can be, a sacrificial love. Lastly, my goal is to serve my community in whatever way possible, whether through volunteer work, or simply being a good steward to the land the Lord has entrusted to me. I feel that sharing my experiences in this blog would be a positive contribution to the community.
I have been a “Do-it-Yourselfer” for as long as I can remember and now that I’m in the later years of my life. I thought it would be helpful to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained over the years with the online community.
Over the years I’ve lived in a few different houses and always seem to have a laundry list of things to do. Not being one who likes to hire professionals to do those tasks, I’ve had to learn how to do the work myself. Sometimes its easy and sometimes I certainly regretted taking on a project that I assumed would be easy.
I hope to document and share experiences I’ve had working on cars, tractors, heavy equipment, I’d like to share things I’ve learned about caring for farm animals such as chickens and cows, I’ll also focus on working on projects around the house and out in the yard.
At our current home, we have been blessed with about 50 acres of land that we have big dreams for, Lord willing, I’ll share those projects here.
Reach out
I encourage you to reach out and ask questions. interacting with the community is part of the fun. Email me at info@tribecreek.com, or use the contact form to send us a message.